Figure 1.
Distributions of the age and donor type of adult AML allograft recipients by ancestry (European vs non-European). Compared with Europeans (n = 214), non-European (n = 99) patients were younger (A) and more commonly received HLA-disparate grafts (B-C). Box plots in panel A present age medians (solid horizontal lines), interquartile range (IQR) (boxes), and range (bars). SIB, HLA-identical sibling.

Distributions of the age and donor type of adult AML allograft recipients by ancestry (European vs non-European). Compared with Europeans (n = 214), non-European (n = 99) patients were younger (A) and more commonly received HLA-disparate grafts (B-C). Box plots in panel A present age medians (solid horizontal lines), interquartile range (IQR) (boxes), and range (bars). SIB, HLA-identical sibling.

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