FigureĀ 3.
Matrix of marginal Pearson correlation coefficients between blood oxygenation, network, and cognitive variables in patients. Pale colors indicate weak correlations; stronger negative correlations are shown in darker shades of blue, and stronger positive correlations in darker shades of red. Absolute r-values >0.2 are also annotated in the appropriate cell. fED, full-network edge density; fGE, full-network global efficiency; FSIQ, full-scale intelligence quotient; PSI, processing speed index; sGE, subnetwork global efficiency; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation; WMI, working memory index.

Matrix of marginal Pearson correlation coefficients between blood oxygenation, network, and cognitive variables in patients. Pale colors indicate weak correlations; stronger negative correlations are shown in darker shades of blue, and stronger positive correlations in darker shades of red. Absolute r-values >0.2 are also annotated in the appropriate cell. fED, full-network edge density; fGE, full-network global efficiency; FSIQ, full-scale intelligence quotient; PSI, processing speed index; sGE, subnetwork global efficiency; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation; WMI, working memory index.

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