Figure 2
Tcf7 regulates the expression of genetic T cell signature in BM progenitors in response to oncogenic Notch1. (A) Experimental setup: induced CD45.2+ BM cells from Controls (black, n = 3), Tcf7Δ/Δ (light blue, n = 3), N1IC (red, n = 3), or N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ (blue, n = 3) mice were FACS purified for lineage-, cKit+ (CD117+), and Sca1+ BM progenitors (LSK) for RNA-seq analysis. Representative flow cytometric plots are shown. (B) Heatmap depicting regulated genes in N1IC vs Controls (FDR <0.05, −1.5 > FC > 2) from gene ontology (GO) T cell activation collection, shown for all experimental groups. (C) Enrichment of biological pathways from GO biological process (GOBP) collection in genes with induced expression by N1IC and Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Top 20 pathways are shown. P values were calculated with Fisher's exact test. (D) Expression of investigated genes measured as TPM (transcripts per kilobase million) with induced expression by N1IC and Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Barplots from left to right of each graph: Controls, Tcf7Δ/Δ, N1IC, and N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ. Data are represented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). One-way ANOVA, *P value < .05; **P value < .01; ***P value < .001. (E) Enrichment of biological pathways from GOBP collection in genes with induced expression by N1IC and independent of Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Top 20 pathways are shown. P values were calculated with Fisher's exact test. (F) Expression of investigated genes measured as TPM with induced expression by N1IC and independent of Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Barplots from left to right of each graph: Controls, Tcf7Δ/Δ, N1IC, and N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA, **P value < .01; ***P value < .001.

Tcf7 regulates the expression of genetic T cell signature in BM progenitors in response to oncogenic Notch1. (A) Experimental setup: induced CD45.2+ BM cells from Controls (black, n = 3), Tcf7Δ/Δ (light blue, n = 3), N1IC (red, n = 3), or N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ (blue, n = 3) mice were FACS purified for lineage-, cKit+ (CD117+), and Sca1+ BM progenitors (LSK) for RNA-seq analysis. Representative flow cytometric plots are shown. (B) Heatmap depicting regulated genes in N1IC vs Controls (FDR <0.05, −1.5 > FC > 2) from gene ontology (GO) T cell activation collection, shown for all experimental groups. (C) Enrichment of biological pathways from GO biological process (GOBP) collection in genes with induced expression by N1IC and Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Top 20 pathways are shown. P values were calculated with Fisher's exact test. (D) Expression of investigated genes measured as TPM (transcripts per kilobase million) with induced expression by N1IC and Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Barplots from left to right of each graph: Controls, Tcf7Δ/Δ, N1IC, and N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ. Data are represented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). One-way ANOVA, *P value < .05; **P value < .01; ***P value < .001. (E) Enrichment of biological pathways from GOBP collection in genes with induced expression by N1IC and independent of Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Top 20 pathways are shown. P values were calculated with Fisher's exact test. (F) Expression of investigated genes measured as TPM with induced expression by N1IC and independent of Tcf7 from RNA-seq on LSK cells. Barplots from left to right of each graph: Controls, Tcf7Δ/Δ, N1IC, and N1IC Tcf7Δ/Δ. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA, **P value < .01; ***P value < .001.

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