Figure 5.
Multiple mechanisms drive VEN resistance even within a patient. (A) Schematic of RaCH-seq workflow. (B) CLL cells from CLL6 at relapse with altered gene expression (left), cluster assignments (middle), and BAXγ isoform (right). (C) Violin plots showing expression of NF-κB genes (left), MCL1 (middle), and BCL2 (right) for CLL6 screening or at relapse, with or without BAXγ. (D) CLL cells from CLL2 at relapse showing expression for the indicated genes (left, in red), with cluster assignments (middle), and RaCH-seq data for variants of interest (right, in black). (E) H3K27ac ChIP at the BCLxL locus in flow-sorted (left) CD19+veCD5+ve BCLxLhi (blue) or BCLxLlo (red) cells from CLL2; data representative of 2 independent experiments.

Multiple mechanisms drive VEN resistance even within a patient. (A) Schematic of RaCH-seq workflow. (B) CLL cells from CLL6 at relapse with altered gene expression (left), cluster assignments (middle), and BAXγ isoform (right). (C) Violin plots showing expression of NF-κB genes (left), MCL1 (middle), and BCL2 (right) for CLL6 screening or at relapse, with or without BAXγ. (D) CLL cells from CLL2 at relapse showing expression for the indicated genes (left, in red), with cluster assignments (middle), and RaCH-seq data for variants of interest (right, in black). (E) H3K27ac ChIP at the BCLxL locus in flow-sorted (left) CD19+veCD5+ve BCLxLhi (blue) or BCLxLlo (red) cells from CLL2; data representative of 2 independent experiments.

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