Figure 5.
Origin of dominant clones within Treg and CD4+Tcon at week 8 after starting Treg DLI plus IL-2 therapy. (A) Percentage of the 1000 most prevalent Treg clones at week 8 derived from the DLI product, baseline, present in DLI and baseline, or not detected in DLI or baseline are shown for each dose level. Dose level A, blue; dose level B, orange; dose level C, gray. Bar graphs depict median values and whiskers represent the interquartile range. ∗ P < .01. (B) Behavior of the top 1000 week 8 clones derived from the Treg DLI product (DLI-derived) or the patients’ baseline pool (Baseline-derived). The median percentage of clones with increased productive frequency (expand, blue), decreased productive frequency (contract, red), or no change in productive frequency (green) is shown for patients at all dose levels combined (n = 23).

Origin of dominant clones within Treg and CD4+Tcon at week 8 after starting Treg DLI plus IL-2 therapy. (A) Percentage of the 1000 most prevalent Treg clones at week 8 derived from the DLI product, baseline, present in DLI and baseline, or not detected in DLI or baseline are shown for each dose level. Dose level A, blue; dose level B, orange; dose level C, gray. Bar graphs depict median values and whiskers represent the interquartile range. ∗ P < .01. (B) Behavior of the top 1000 week 8 clones derived from the Treg DLI product (DLI-derived) or the patients’ baseline pool (Baseline-derived). The median percentage of clones with increased productive frequency (expand, blue), decreased productive frequency (contract, red), or no change in productive frequency (green) is shown for patients at all dose levels combined (n = 23).

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