Figure 2.
Identification of prognostic pretreatment cell types by ML. (A) Bootstrapped logistic regression pipeline to predict imatinib treatment outcome based on CML prognostic group. Briefly, given the transcriptome of a single cell, the output identifies GE patterns that predict to which group that cell belongs to. Specifically, the output builds distinct GE-based signatures that classify each cell type into a prognostic group. (B) Top table: accuracy scores (ACC) of (i) multiclass (A vs B vs C) and (ii) binary (C vs not C [AB]) logistic-regression classifiers. The ACC scores for the top 3 models of both multiclass and binary classifiers are highlighted in red. ACC scores are the ratio of true positives and true negatives to all positive and negative observations. Bottom table: left, confusion matrices displaying cell counts for the top 3 cell types in the multiclass classifiers, and right, for the top 3 binary classifiers. In a random model, the ACC = 0.33 for a multiclass classifier and 0.5 for a binary classifier. (C) A leave-one-patient-out classifier to identify marker genes in pseudobulked transcriptomes that can serve as prognostic markers. Only markers from the classifier in panel A are considered as the candidate features in the model. Confusion matrices for a patient-specific (D) multiclass HSC, (E) binary HSC, and NK cell classifier. Precision (Pre) is the ratio between true positives and all positives. Recall (Rec) is a measure of the model’s ability to identify true positives (true positive/true positive and false negative). (F) Top nonzero regression coefficients of the HSCs multiclass patient-specific classifier. (G) Top 20 nonzero regression coefficients identified by the patient-specific binary HSC classifier. (H) Top 20 nonzero regression coefficients identified by the patient-specific binary NK cell classifier. Statistical tests for the ML pipelines are described in the supplemental Methods. Supplemental Figures 4 and 5 and supplemental Tables 14-16 are linked with data shown in Figure 2.

Identification of prognostic pretreatment cell types by ML. (A) Bootstrapped logistic regression pipeline to predict imatinib treatment outcome based on CML prognostic group. Briefly, given the transcriptome of a single cell, the output identifies GE patterns that predict to which group that cell belongs to. Specifically, the output builds distinct GE-based signatures that classify each cell type into a prognostic group. (B) Top table: accuracy scores (ACC) of (i) multiclass (A vs B vs C) and (ii) binary (C vs not C [AB]) logistic-regression classifiers. The ACC scores for the top 3 models of both multiclass and binary classifiers are highlighted in red. ACC scores are the ratio of true positives and true negatives to all positive and negative observations. Bottom table: left, confusion matrices displaying cell counts for the top 3 cell types in the multiclass classifiers, and right, for the top 3 binary classifiers. In a random model, the ACC = 0.33 for a multiclass classifier and 0.5 for a binary classifier. (C) A leave-one-patient-out classifier to identify marker genes in pseudobulked transcriptomes that can serve as prognostic markers. Only markers from the classifier in panel A are considered as the candidate features in the model. Confusion matrices for a patient-specific (D) multiclass HSC, (E) binary HSC, and NK cell classifier. Precision (Pre) is the ratio between true positives and all positives. Recall (Rec) is a measure of the model’s ability to identify true positives (true positive/true positive and false negative). (F) Top nonzero regression coefficients of the HSCs multiclass patient-specific classifier. (G) Top 20 nonzero regression coefficients identified by the patient-specific binary HSC classifier. (H) Top 20 nonzero regression coefficients identified by the patient-specific binary NK cell classifier. Statistical tests for the ML pipelines are described in the supplemental Methods. Supplemental Figures 4 and 5 and supplemental Tables 14-16 are linked with data shown in Figure 2.

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