Figure 1.
T-cell replete cord EFS stratified by MRD. Patients who were MRD negative at transplant have significantly improved EFS compared with MRD positive patients, 2-year EFS 79% (95% CI, 64-88) vs 50% (95% CI, 34-64), (HR, 2.58 [95% CI, 1.27-5.26]; P = .009).

T-cell replete cord EFS stratified by MRD. Patients who were MRD negative at transplant have significantly improved EFS compared with MRD positive patients, 2-year EFS 79% (95% CI, 64-88) vs 50% (95% CI, 34-64), (HR, 2.58 [95% CI, 1.27-5.26]; P = .009).

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