Figure 3.
Disulfide status of the TIL’-TIL3 domains of recombinant VWF secreted by mammalian cells is indistinguishable from plasma VWF. (A) Example of 12C-IPA-labeled recombinant human VWF resolved on SDS-PAGE. Molecular mass standards are shown in the left-hand lane. (B) Redox states of the 13 TIL’-TIL3 domain disulfide bonds in 3 different preparations of recombinant VWF (red symbols). The redox states of the 13 healthy donor VWF disulfides (Figure 2C) are shown for reference (gray symbols).

Disulfide status of the TIL’-TIL3 domains of recombinant VWF secreted by mammalian cells is indistinguishable from plasma VWF. (A) Example of 12C-IPA-labeled recombinant human VWF resolved on SDS-PAGE. Molecular mass standards are shown in the left-hand lane. (B) Redox states of the 13 TIL’-TIL3 domain disulfide bonds in 3 different preparations of recombinant VWF (red symbols). The redox states of the 13 healthy donor VWF disulfides (Figure 2C) are shown for reference (gray symbols).

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