Figure 3.
Association between immune reconstitution and graft rejection in pediatric patients with NMD following URD HCT with Aba GVHD prophylaxis. Compared to nongraft failure patients, patient ID 5 (with secondary graft failure in setting of early CMV reactivation) had baseline and persistent lymphocytosis driven primarily by B and CD8 T cells, with high Ki67 and Granzyme B expression (data not shown). Patient ID 7 (with primary graft failure with low infused TNC dose) had leukopenia at baseline, with lymphocytic/monocytic dominance. WBC, white blood cell.

Association between immune reconstitution and graft rejection in pediatric patients with NMD following URD HCT with Aba GVHD prophylaxis. Compared to nongraft failure patients, patient ID 5 (with secondary graft failure in setting of early CMV reactivation) had baseline and persistent lymphocytosis driven primarily by B and CD8 T cells, with high Ki67 and Granzyme B expression (data not shown). Patient ID 7 (with primary graft failure with low infused TNC dose) had leukopenia at baseline, with lymphocytic/monocytic dominance. WBC, white blood cell.

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