Figure 2.
T-cell response to second and third doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with chronic myeloid disorders. (A) Frequency of IFN-γ SFUs after 2 and 3 doses of vaccine showing increased T-cell response after third dose. (B) Increased RSV of IFN-γ SFUs after 3 doses of vaccine compared with after 2 doses. (C) Reduced frequency of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients taking ruxolitinib after 3 doses of vaccine. (D) Reduced RSV of IFN-γ SFUs in patients taking ruxolitinib after a third dose of vaccine. (E) Reduced frequency of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients with diagnosis of MF when compared with CML and ET diagnosis. (F) Reduced RSV of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients with diagnosis of MF when compared with CML, PV, and ET diagnosis.

T-cell response to second and third doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with chronic myeloid disorders. (A) Frequency of IFN-γ SFUs after 2 and 3 doses of vaccine showing increased T-cell response after third dose. (B) Increased RSV of IFN-γ SFUs after 3 doses of vaccine compared with after 2 doses. (C) Reduced frequency of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients taking ruxolitinib after 3 doses of vaccine. (D) Reduced RSV of IFN-γ SFUs in patients taking ruxolitinib after a third dose of vaccine. (E) Reduced frequency of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients with diagnosis of MF when compared with CML and ET diagnosis. (F) Reduced RSV of SFUs for IFN-γ in patients with diagnosis of MF when compared with CML, PV, and ET diagnosis.

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