Figure 1.
Sankey diagrams comparing the hospital registration race/ethnicity information (left) vs the BMT Service ancestry designation (right). Panels show comparisons for all patients in the cohort (n = 1749) (A), and those initially classified as White/non-Hispanic (n = 1285) (B), White/Hispanic, Black, or Asian (n = 370) (C), other (n = 30) (D), and refused to answer or unknown (n = 64) (E). Patient race/ethnicity information was recorded during patient initial registration at the hospital. Ancestry designation was determined from dedicated ancestral histories performed by transplant staff at the time of allograft evaluation, after a detailed explanation of the relevance of these data to patient care. Differences and resultant inaccuracies in race/ethnicity vs ancestry designations are demonstrated. eth, ethnicity; Pt, patient.

Sankey diagrams comparing the hospital registration race/ethnicity information (left) vs the BMT Service ancestry designation (right). Panels show comparisons for all patients in the cohort (n = 1749) (A), and those initially classified as White/non-Hispanic (n = 1285) (B), White/Hispanic, Black, or Asian (n = 370) (C), other (n = 30) (D), and refused to answer or unknown (n = 64) (E). Patient race/ethnicity information was recorded during patient initial registration at the hospital. Ancestry designation was determined from dedicated ancestral histories performed by transplant staff at the time of allograft evaluation, after a detailed explanation of the relevance of these data to patient care. Differences and resultant inaccuracies in race/ethnicity vs ancestry designations are demonstrated. eth, ethnicity; Pt, patient.

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