Figure 5.
Processive MGP carboxylation is impaired in the V255M and S300F mutants. (A) Complexes between MGPFLAG and variant carboxylases were reacted in the presence of a challenge peptide (MGP1-64) that contained both the EBD and the entire Gla domain. (B-D) MGPFLAG-carboxylase complexes were isolated on anti-FLAG resin, and the amount of complex was determined by an epoxidase assay, as before.20 Equivalent amounts of complex were then analyzed in the challenge assay. Carboxylation of MGPFLAG in the complexes and MGP1-64 was quantitated by monitoring [14C]-CO2 incorporation into each form, using gel electrophoresis and PhosphorImager analysis. (E-G) MGP1-64 carboxylation occurred after MGPFLAG in the complex with wild-type carboxylase. Both MGP forms were carboxylated at the same time by mutant carboxylases, which produced higher levels of MGP1-64 than MGPFLAG in the complex.

Processive MGP carboxylation is impaired in the V255M and S300F mutants. (A) Complexes between MGPFLAG and variant carboxylases were reacted in the presence of a challenge peptide (MGP1-64) that contained both the EBD and the entire Gla domain. (B-D) MGPFLAG-carboxylase complexes were isolated on anti-FLAG resin, and the amount of complex was determined by an epoxidase assay, as before.20 Equivalent amounts of complex were then analyzed in the challenge assay. Carboxylation of MGPFLAG in the complexes and MGP1-64 was quantitated by monitoring [14C]-CO2 incorporation into each form, using gel electrophoresis and PhosphorImager analysis. (E-G) MGP1-64 carboxylation occurred after MGPFLAG in the complex with wild-type carboxylase. Both MGP forms were carboxylated at the same time by mutant carboxylases, which produced higher levels of MGP1-64 than MGPFLAG in the complex.

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