Figure 1.
The complexity of transplant decision making. Schematic demonstration of the close correlation between an increase in intensity of conditioning regimens and increased anticipated toxicities from transplant, between a decrease in conditioning intensity and the increased reliance on graft-versus-tumor effect for transplant success, and between decrease in conditioning intensity and increased age and declined health status of those accepted for allogeneic transplants that then result in increased chances for toxicities (despite the reduced conditioning intensity). Adapted from Deeg and Sandmaier.6

The complexity of transplant decision making. Schematic demonstration of the close correlation between an increase in intensity of conditioning regimens and increased anticipated toxicities from transplant, between a decrease in conditioning intensity and the increased reliance on graft-versus-tumor effect for transplant success, and between decrease in conditioning intensity and increased age and declined health status of those accepted for allogeneic transplants that then result in increased chances for toxicities (despite the reduced conditioning intensity). Adapted from Deeg and Sandmaier.6 

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