Figure 3.
Transcriptome analysis of basal VWF release. (A) Volcano plot outlining DEGs between type 1 VWD and control ECFCs during basal release. The horizontal dashed line represents an adjusted P value of 0.1 and the vertical dashed lines represent 1.5-fold change relative to control ECFCs. DEGs meeting the 0.1 corrected P value threshold and that exhibit a fold expression >1.5 are in red. Relative expression of VWF (B) and V2R (C). (D) Interacting miRNAs and mRNAs that were differentially regulated during basal VWF release are displayed in a chord diagram. Green indicates upregulation and red indicates downregulation relative to control ECFC expression. The outer ring indicates direction of transcript regulation, and the ribbon color represents specifically the direction of miRNA regulation.

Transcriptome analysis of basal VWF release. (A) Volcano plot outlining DEGs between type 1 VWD and control ECFCs during basal release. The horizontal dashed line represents an adjusted P value of 0.1 and the vertical dashed lines represent 1.5-fold change relative to control ECFCs. DEGs meeting the 0.1 corrected P value threshold and that exhibit a fold expression >1.5 are in red. Relative expression of VWF (B) and V2R (C). (D) Interacting miRNAs and mRNAs that were differentially regulated during basal VWF release are displayed in a chord diagram. Green indicates upregulation and red indicates downregulation relative to control ECFC expression. The outer ring indicates direction of transcript regulation, and the ribbon color represents specifically the direction of miRNA regulation.

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