Figure 6.
Changes in baseline cytopenias. (A) Hemoglobin levels over time for individual male patients. Light red indicates patient whose lower limit of normal was 113 g/L, which was exceeded by D85. (B) Hemoglobin levels over time for individual female patients. (C) Platelet levels over time for individual patients. (D) Lymphocyte levels over time for individual patients. No patients in the placebo group had baseline lymphopenia. Baseline was calculated as the average of D−1 and D1. All patients from the safety analysis set with measurements are included in the figures. Gray boxes indicate reference range. In (A-B), asterisks indicate patients receiving iron. HGB, hemoglobin.

Changes in baseline cytopenias. (A) Hemoglobin levels over time for individual male patients. Light red indicates patient whose lower limit of normal was 113 g/L, which was exceeded by D85. (B) Hemoglobin levels over time for individual female patients. (C) Platelet levels over time for individual patients. (D) Lymphocyte levels over time for individual patients. No patients in the placebo group had baseline lymphopenia. Baseline was calculated as the average of D−1 and D1. All patients from the safety analysis set with measurements are included in the figures. Gray boxes indicate reference range. In (A-B), asterisks indicate patients receiving iron. HGB, hemoglobin.

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