Figure 2.
Assessment of solicited AEs. The proportion of participants reporting solicited AEs within 14 days of vaccination is shown by the intensity. ∗For injection-site erythema, induration, and swelling, 0 to ≤1 in. was considered mild, >1 to ≤3 in. was considered moderate, and >3 in. was considered severe. V=V114, P=PCV13.

Assessment of solicited AEs. The proportion of participants reporting solicited AEs within 14 days of vaccination is shown by the intensity. ∗For injection-site erythema, induration, and swelling, 0 to ≤1 in. was considered mild, >1 to ≤3 in. was considered moderate, and >3 in. was considered severe. V=V114, P=PCV13.

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