Figure 2.
PHATE analysis reveals circulating putative precancerous intermediate CD4+T-cell populations in CTCL. (A) Representative UMAP plot of CD4+ T cells from a patient with CTCL resulted in 2 major separate annotated clusters: CTCL cells (red) and non-CTCL CD4+ T cells (blue+purple). (C) The non-CTCL CD4+ T cells were further divided into 2 clusters: population 1 (blue), and population 2 (purple). (B,D) The dominant TCR clonotype is highlighted in yellow over the same UMAP. A group of cells containing the dominant clonotype fell within the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population upon unsupervised clustering. A comparison of the mean frequency of the dominant (malignant) TCR clonotype vs all other TCR clonotypes in the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population 2 (E) and in the total non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population (F) revealed that the dominant clonotype frequency was overrepresented in both populations (n = 10, paired t test). (G) PHATE mapping revealed the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population 2 to be an intermediate group of cells (purple) falling between normal CD4+ T cells (blue) and CTCL cells (red). (H) This intermediate group contained cells with the dominant clonotype, highlighted in yellow throughout the PHATE map. UMAP, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.

PHATE analysis reveals circulating putative precancerous intermediate CD4+T-cell populations in CTCL. (A) Representative UMAP plot of CD4+ T cells from a patient with CTCL resulted in 2 major separate annotated clusters: CTCL cells (red) and non-CTCL CD4+ T cells (blue+purple). (C) The non-CTCL CD4+ T cells were further divided into 2 clusters: population 1 (blue), and population 2 (purple). (B,D) The dominant TCR clonotype is highlighted in yellow over the same UMAP. A group of cells containing the dominant clonotype fell within the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population upon unsupervised clustering. A comparison of the mean frequency of the dominant (malignant) TCR clonotype vs all other TCR clonotypes in the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population 2 (E) and in the total non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population (F) revealed that the dominant clonotype frequency was overrepresented in both populations (n = 10, paired t test). (G) PHATE mapping revealed the non-CTCL CD4+ T-cell population 2 to be an intermediate group of cells (purple) falling between normal CD4+ T cells (blue) and CTCL cells (red). (H) This intermediate group contained cells with the dominant clonotype, highlighted in yellow throughout the PHATE map. UMAP, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.

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