Figure 3.
Hierarchic cluster analysis of stage I FL. Features of stage I (n = 81) included in unsupervised hierarchical clustering are somatic mutations present in >5% of the cases, BCL2 and BCL6 translocations, and focal and chromosomal arm–level aberrations present in >5% of the samples with Spearman correlation. Each column represents one patient, CL1 (green, n = 44), CL2 (yellow, n = 15) and CL3 (orange, n = 22). Mutations (green), translocations (black) and CNAs (gains red, losses light blue and multiple losses dark blue) are ordered in the rows.

Hierarchic cluster analysis of stage I FL. Features of stage I (n = 81) included in unsupervised hierarchical clustering are somatic mutations present in >5% of the cases, BCL2 and BCL6 translocations, and focal and chromosomal arm–level aberrations present in >5% of the samples with Spearman correlation. Each column represents one patient, CL1 (green, n = 44), CL2 (yellow, n = 15) and CL3 (orange, n = 22). Mutations (green), translocations (black) and CNAs (gains red, losses light blue and multiple losses dark blue) are ordered in the rows.

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