Figure 1.
The iCAT stroke model causes unihemispheric infarction. C57BL/6 male mice underwent the iCAT procedure (25, 45, and 60 minutes’ stenosis) or thrombotic bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (tBCCO) procedure (25 minutes). (A) Dot plot depicting the average perfusion drop (percentage of baseline) for mice in each cohort, in which the ischemic threshold is indicated by the solid gray line (25% baseline). The average cerebral perfusion of the ipsilateral (left, red symbols) and contralateral (right, blue symbols) cerebral hemispheres was assessed with LDF for the duration of the stroke induction period and presented as a percentage of baseline perfusion. Specifically, LDF readings are presented as the average cerebral perfusion immediately after bilateral occlusion until clamp removal (supplemental Figure 1Bii a-b) or immediately after stenosis application to immediately after stenosis release (supplemental Figure 1Cii; between a and b). (B-D) A subset of animals from panel A were recovered to 24 hours’ postischemia induction at Site 1. Site 2 represents experiments completed at a secondary site where ambient room temperature was >2°C warmer than Site 1. (B) Infarct volume was assessed with TTC staining, with dot plots depicting infarct volumes at 24 hours in surviving animals. Data in panels A and B represent the mean ± standard deviation, analyzed to assess statistical significance using one-way analysis of variance, where nsP > .05, *P < .05, ****P < .001. (C) The infarct area of individual mice subjected to 60 minutes of graded stenosis at either Site 1 or 2 (quantified in panel B) was demarcated and overlaid onto a single image of the relevant brain section, with layers color-coded to reflect the number (n) of animals presenting with cerebral infarction within the denoted region (as indicated by the color key). (D) Post 24-hour recovery, functional evaluation of animals undergoing either sham or 60 minutes of iCAT-induced ischemia was conducted with open-field assessment using MouseMove61 at Site 1. The histogram depicts quantification of travel distance in animals undergoing either sham or 60 minutes of iCAT-induced ischemia (i) or depicts travel patterns taken from representative mice for each of sham and iCAT (mild and severe injury) (ii). ns, not significant.

The iCAT stroke model causes unihemispheric infarction. C57BL/6 male mice underwent the iCAT procedure (25, 45, and 60 minutes’ stenosis) or thrombotic bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (tBCCO) procedure (25 minutes). (A) Dot plot depicting the average perfusion drop (percentage of baseline) for mice in each cohort, in which the ischemic threshold is indicated by the solid gray line (25% baseline). The average cerebral perfusion of the ipsilateral (left, red symbols) and contralateral (right, blue symbols) cerebral hemispheres was assessed with LDF for the duration of the stroke induction period and presented as a percentage of baseline perfusion. Specifically, LDF readings are presented as the average cerebral perfusion immediately after bilateral occlusion until clamp removal (supplemental Figure 1Bii a-b) or immediately after stenosis application to immediately after stenosis release (supplemental Figure 1Cii; between a and b). (B-D) A subset of animals from panel A were recovered to 24 hours’ postischemia induction at Site 1. Site 2 represents experiments completed at a secondary site where ambient room temperature was >2°C warmer than Site 1. (B) Infarct volume was assessed with TTC staining, with dot plots depicting infarct volumes at 24 hours in surviving animals. Data in panels A and B represent the mean ± standard deviation, analyzed to assess statistical significance using one-way analysis of variance, where nsP > .05, *P < .05, ****P < .001. (C) The infarct area of individual mice subjected to 60 minutes of graded stenosis at either Site 1 or 2 (quantified in panel B) was demarcated and overlaid onto a single image of the relevant brain section, with layers color-coded to reflect the number (n) of animals presenting with cerebral infarction within the denoted region (as indicated by the color key). (D) Post 24-hour recovery, functional evaluation of animals undergoing either sham or 60 minutes of iCAT-induced ischemia was conducted with open-field assessment using MouseMove61  at Site 1. The histogram depicts quantification of travel distance in animals undergoing either sham or 60 minutes of iCAT-induced ischemia (i) or depicts travel patterns taken from representative mice for each of sham and iCAT (mild and severe injury) (ii). ns, not significant.

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