Figure 3.
Synonymous ADAMTS13 variants affect GC content and CpG sites. (A) Proportion of sSNVs in each exon that increase GC content (red), decrease GC content (blue), or do not affect GC content (green). (B) Proportion of sSNVs in each exon that increase CpG (red), decrease CpG (blue), or do not affect CpG (green). (C) Fifty-five synonymous variants that exhibit ΔGC >0 and 31 sSNVs that created new CpG site (positive CpG) across ADAMTS13 exons. (D) Correlation between folding energy and GC content in variant and WT ADAMTS13. USS variants are shown in red.

Synonymous ADAMTS13 variants affect GC content and CpG sites. (A) Proportion of sSNVs in each exon that increase GC content (red), decrease GC content (blue), or do not affect GC content (green). (B) Proportion of sSNVs in each exon that increase CpG (red), decrease CpG (blue), or do not affect CpG (green). (C) Fifty-five synonymous variants that exhibit ΔGC >0 and 31 sSNVs that created new CpG site (positive CpG) across ADAMTS13 exons. (D) Correlation between folding energy and GC content in variant and WT ADAMTS13. USS variants are shown in red.

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