Figure 4.
The association between genotype and desmopressin response is mediated via the pathophysiological defects of VWF. Each point represents 1 patient. Dashed lines represent the cut-off values for reduced synthesis/secretion and increase clearance of VWF. (A) Type 1 VWD. Triangles represent patients with a VWF gene variant, whereas dots represent patients without a VWF gene variant. (B) Type 2 VWD. Dots represent patients with type 2A, squares represent patients with type 2M and triangles represent patients with type 2N VWD.

The association between genotype and desmopressin response is mediated via the pathophysiological defects of VWF. Each point represents 1 patient. Dashed lines represent the cut-off values for reduced synthesis/secretion and increase clearance of VWF. (A) Type 1 VWD. Triangles represent patients with a VWF gene variant, whereas dots represent patients without a VWF gene variant. (B) Type 2 VWD. Dots represent patients with type 2A, squares represent patients with type 2M and triangles represent patients with type 2N VWD.

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