Figure 3.
Expression of miRNAs among patients with and without cGVHD 1-year posttransplant. The relative expression in log10 scale of the 10 most significantly expressed miRNAs found among >70 of the patients with and without cGVHD and the corresponding P values based on differential expression analysis are shown for each miRNA. Patients with cGVHD are presented with red dots, and patients without cGVHD are presented with blue dots. The bars indicate geometric mean values plus or minus the geometric standard deviation.

Expression of miRNAs among patients with and without cGVHD 1-year posttransplant. The relative expression in log10 scale of the 10 most significantly expressed miRNAs found among >70 of the patients with and without cGVHD and the corresponding P values based on differential expression analysis are shown for each miRNA. Patients with cGVHD are presented with red dots, and patients without cGVHD are presented with blue dots. The bars indicate geometric mean values plus or minus the geometric standard deviation.

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