Figure 3.
Detection of iPSC-derived cells in peripheral blood. (A) Percentage of eGFP+ or tdTomato+ cells within granulocyte or monocyte forward scatter (FSC) vs side scatter (SSC) gate after gating on live single cells in individual animals. (B) Representative dot plots showing eGFP or tdTomato vs CD11b or CD14 expression by cells within granulocyte or monocyte FSC vs SSC gate. (C) Genomic PCR analysis using primers specific for eGFP or tdTomato to detect iPSC-derived cells in the peripheral blood. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from animal undergoing transplantation with eGFP-transduced HSPCs were used as positive control for animals that received eGFP-tagged iHPs. iHPs expressing tdTomato were used as positive control for animals that received iHPs tagged with tdTomato. Peripheral blood collected before transplantation was used as negative control.

Detection of iPSC-derived cells in peripheral blood. (A) Percentage of eGFP+ or tdTomato+ cells within granulocyte or monocyte forward scatter (FSC) vs side scatter (SSC) gate after gating on live single cells in individual animals. (B) Representative dot plots showing eGFP or tdTomato vs CD11b or CD14 expression by cells within granulocyte or monocyte FSC vs SSC gate. (C) Genomic PCR analysis using primers specific for eGFP or tdTomato to detect iPSC-derived cells in the peripheral blood. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from animal undergoing transplantation with eGFP-transduced HSPCs were used as positive control for animals that received eGFP-tagged iHPs. iHPs expressing tdTomato were used as positive control for animals that received iHPs tagged with tdTomato. Peripheral blood collected before transplantation was used as negative control.

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