Figure 5.
SOX11-dependent CD70 expression is induced by CD40L in vitro in MCL cells. ChIP-qPCR experiments showing the enrichment of specific CD70 loci (1393-1119 pb upstream of the transcription start site), identified by SOX11 specific ChIP-chip experiments in (A) 2 SOX11+ MCL cell lines, Z138 wild-type (Z138WT) and JVM2SOX11+, and its control SOX11− MCL cell line (JVM2CT)12 and (B) in Z138 SOX11-knockdown (Z138SOX11KD) and its SOX11+ control (Z138CT) MCL cell line,8 were used for SOX11-specific ChIP-qPCRs experiments. DNA enrichment is displayed as fold change relative to its respective input chromatin and JVM2CT and Z138SOX11KD enrichment, respectively. (C) RT-qPCR quantification of CD70 mRNA levels (D) and FC quantification of CD70 protein expression levels analyzed in our stable transduced cell lines Z138CT/Z138SOX11KD incubated with vehicle (phosphate-buffered saline [PBS]) or 50 ng/mL CD40L, for 6 hours. Results are represented as fold change in CD40L-treated cells relative to PBS-treated cells. The significance of difference was determined by independent samples Student t test: *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.

SOX11-dependent CD70 expression is induced by CD40L in vitro in MCL cells. ChIP-qPCR experiments showing the enrichment of specific CD70 loci (1393-1119 pb upstream of the transcription start site), identified by SOX11 specific ChIP-chip experiments in (A) 2 SOX11+ MCL cell lines, Z138 wild-type (Z138WT) and JVM2SOX11+, and its control SOX11 MCL cell line (JVM2CT)12 and (B) in Z138 SOX11-knockdown (Z138SOX11KD) and its SOX11+ control (Z138CT) MCL cell line,8 were used for SOX11-specific ChIP-qPCRs experiments. DNA enrichment is displayed as fold change relative to its respective input chromatin and JVM2CT and Z138SOX11KD enrichment, respectively. (C) RT-qPCR quantification of CD70 mRNA levels (D) and FC quantification of CD70 protein expression levels analyzed in our stable transduced cell lines Z138CT/Z138SOX11KD incubated with vehicle (phosphate-buffered saline [PBS]) or 50 ng/mL CD40L, for 6 hours. Results are represented as fold change in CD40L-treated cells relative to PBS-treated cells. The significance of difference was determined by independent samples Student t test: *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.

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