Top: LocusZoom plots with individual genetic variants as dots plotted according to their physical position on the x-axis and strength of evidence of association with urate levels on the y-axis. Color of dots represents extent of linkage disequilibrium (r2) with the lead genetic variant (rs2903386). Top left: association of the TET2 locus with urate levels in the UKB5 and (top right) in the independent data set of Tin et al.6 Bottom: influence of training by soluble urate on DNA methylation at the DNMT3A locus resulting from culture of primary monocytes with soluble urate for 24 hours (L.A.B.J., unpublished). Error bars are the 95% confidence interval, the bottom and top of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the line inside the box is median. EUR, European.

Top: LocusZoom plots with individual genetic variants as dots plotted according to their physical position on the x-axis and strength of evidence of association with urate levels on the y-axis. Color of dots represents extent of linkage disequilibrium (r2) with the lead genetic variant (rs2903386). Top left: association of the TET2 locus with urate levels in the UKB5 and (top right) in the independent data set of Tin et al.6 Bottom: influence of training by soluble urate on DNA methylation at the DNMT3A locus resulting from culture of primary monocytes with soluble urate for 24 hours (L.A.B.J., unpublished). Error bars are the 95% confidence interval, the bottom and top of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the line inside the box is median. EUR, European.

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