Figure 2.
Age is no longer a limiting factor of HCT. The number of patients ≥65 years who receive allogeneic HCT for malignant diseases continues to increase. The number of allogeneic transplants for treatment of malignant diseases in patients ≥65 years continues to increase. In 2020, 27% of allogeneic transplant recipients were 65 and older. Data from CIBMTR “The US Summary Slides 2021” (available at

Age is no longer a limiting factor of HCT. The number of patients ≥65 years who receive allogeneic HCT for malignant diseases continues to increase. The number of allogeneic transplants for treatment of malignant diseases in patients ≥65 years continues to increase. In 2020, 27% of allogeneic transplant recipients were 65 and older. Data from CIBMTR “The US Summary Slides 2021” (available at

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