Figure 4.
Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis in WT and PTPN22−/− platelets after stimulation. (A) WT or PTPN22−/− platelets were treated with CRP for 1 minute followed by quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis. (B) Differentially expressed phosphopeptides between 2 groups as shown by volcano map. The x-axis indicates the fold change (logarithmic conversion based on 2) and y-axis indicates the P value (logarithmic conversion based on 10). Red dots presented the differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance, and black dots indicate the phosphopeptides without significance. (C) The number of differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance obtained from comparison of 2 groups. (D) Details of the differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance identified from the comparison of the PC and the WC group. PC, PTPN22-deficient platelets after CRP stimulation; PH, pleckstrin homology; PR, PTPN22-deficient platelets under resting conditions; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; WC, wild-type platelets after CRP stimulation; WR, wild-type platelets under resting conditions.

Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis in WT and PTPN22−/− platelets after stimulation. (A) WT or PTPN22−/− platelets were treated with CRP for 1 minute followed by quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis. (B) Differentially expressed phosphopeptides between 2 groups as shown by volcano map. The x-axis indicates the fold change (logarithmic conversion based on 2) and y-axis indicates the P value (logarithmic conversion based on 10). Red dots presented the differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance, and black dots indicate the phosphopeptides without significance. (C) The number of differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance obtained from comparison of 2 groups. (D) Details of the differentially expressed phosphopeptides with significance identified from the comparison of the PC and the WC group. PC, PTPN22-deficient platelets after CRP stimulation; PH, pleckstrin homology; PR, PTPN22-deficient platelets under resting conditions; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; WC, wild-type platelets after CRP stimulation; WR, wild-type platelets under resting conditions.

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