Figure 1.
Frequent cooccurrence of SF3B1 mutations in myeloid malignancies with inv(3)(q21q26) or t(3;3)(q21q26). (A) Oncoprint of recurrently mutated genes in 109 patients with EVI1-rearranged (EVI1-r) myeloid neoplasms. Horizontal bars show the mutational frequency of each gene. Gray color indicates data not available. (B) Frequency (indicated by bubble size) and statistical enrichment (indicated by color gradient) of mutations (x-axis) across AML (y-axis; inv(3)/t(3;3) patients from panel A, n = 109; BeatAML study, n = 622; TCGA AML study, n = 200). P values of Fisher's exact test are color-coded. (C) VAF of mutations in SF3B1 and RAS-associated genes relative to mutations in transcriptional factors, chromatin modifiers, RNA splicing factors in patients with EVI1-r myeloid neoplasm. (D) Oncoprint of recurrently mutated genes in EVI1-r leukemia cell lines.

Frequent cooccurrence of SF3B1 mutations in myeloid malignancies with inv(3)(q21q26) or t(3;3)(q21q26). (A) Oncoprint of recurrently mutated genes in 109 patients with EVI1-rearranged (EVI1-r) myeloid neoplasms. Horizontal bars show the mutational frequency of each gene. Gray color indicates data not available. (B) Frequency (indicated by bubble size) and statistical enrichment (indicated by color gradient) of mutations (x-axis) across AML (y-axis; inv(3)/t(3;3) patients from panel A, n = 109; BeatAML study, n = 622; TCGA AML study, n = 200). P values of Fisher's exact test are color-coded. (C) VAF of mutations in SF3B1 and RAS-associated genes relative to mutations in transcriptional factors, chromatin modifiers, RNA splicing factors in patients with EVI1-r myeloid neoplasm. (D) Oncoprint of recurrently mutated genes in EVI1-r leukemia cell lines.

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