Figure 1.
Dnmt3aR878H/+ reduces proinflammatory transcriptional programs, specifically in HSCs. (A) Experimental design. (B) Principal component analysis of RNA-seq data from Dnmt3aR878H/+ and Mx-Cre control cell types as well as C57BL/6 HSCs (n = 3 to 4 biological replicate mice per condition). (C) Volcano plots of differential gene expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs Mx-Cre control cell types. Significant differential expression (FDR <0.05) is indicated by colored dots; green dots (left side of each plot) represent genes lower in expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control cells, and red dots (right side of each plot) represent genes higher in expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control cells. (D) Gene signatures significantly enriched in Mx-Cre control (gray) or Dnmt3aR878H/+ (navy) HSCs. (inset) Enrichment of a lipopolysaccharide-stimulated HSC signature16 in control vs Dnmt3aR878H/+ HSCs. (E) Venn diagram of overlapping downregulated genes in mouse Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control HSCs with downregulated “Monocytic Priming” genes in human DNMT3A-F733S vs wild-type CD34+ cells.41P value calculated using a hypergeometric test. (F) Gene signatures significantly enriched in accessible promoters of Mx-Cre control (gray) or Dnmt3aR878H/+ (navy) HSCs.

Dnmt3aR878H/+ reduces proinflammatory transcriptional programs, specifically in HSCs. (A) Experimental design. (B) Principal component analysis of RNA-seq data from Dnmt3aR878H/+ and Mx-Cre control cell types as well as C57BL/6 HSCs (n = 3 to 4 biological replicate mice per condition). (C) Volcano plots of differential gene expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs Mx-Cre control cell types. Significant differential expression (FDR <0.05) is indicated by colored dots; green dots (left side of each plot) represent genes lower in expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control cells, and red dots (right side of each plot) represent genes higher in expression in Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control cells. (D) Gene signatures significantly enriched in Mx-Cre control (gray) or Dnmt3aR878H/+ (navy) HSCs. (inset) Enrichment of a lipopolysaccharide-stimulated HSC signature16  in control vs Dnmt3aR878H/+ HSCs. (E) Venn diagram of overlapping downregulated genes in mouse Dnmt3aR878H/+ vs control HSCs with downregulated “Monocytic Priming” genes in human DNMT3A-F733S vs wild-type CD34+ cells.41 P value calculated using a hypergeometric test. (F) Gene signatures significantly enriched in accessible promoters of Mx-Cre control (gray) or Dnmt3aR878H/+ (navy) HSCs.

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