Figure 5.
Hemogen is an enhancer and promoter regulator and cooperates with BRG1 in gene activation during mouse development. (A) ChIP-seq with HA antibody in E14.5 fetal liver cells showing the percentage of hemogen peaks at different genomic features (n = 2 biological replicates). (B) Venn diagram showing overlap of hemogen peaks from ChIP-seq with promoters and enhancers called by EnhancerAtlas 2.0. (C) Top motifs from Meme search of hemogen binding sites from ChIP-seq data. (D) Clustered heat maps displaying HA (hemogen)-, H3K27ac-, and BRG1-normalized ChIP-seq signals at hemogen peaks. Each row represents a 2-kb window centered around the peak signal in E14.5 fetal liver cells. (E) Venn diagram of global overlap of BRG1 and hemogen. (F) Overlap of hemogen/BRG1 co-occupied peaks from (E) with enhancers and promoters. (G) Peak density map for BRG1, GATA1, and H3K27ac aligned at HA (hemogen) peaks. (H) Erythroid genes whose promoters are bound by hemogen and BRG1. (I) Erythroid Epor gene showing ChIP-seq localization of hemogen, BRG1, GATA1, H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals, and ATAC-seq signal from ENCODE on the promoter and enhancers.

Hemogen is an enhancer and promoter regulator and cooperates with BRG1 in gene activation during mouse development. (A) ChIP-seq with HA antibody in E14.5 fetal liver cells showing the percentage of hemogen peaks at different genomic features (n = 2 biological replicates). (B) Venn diagram showing overlap of hemogen peaks from ChIP-seq with promoters and enhancers called by EnhancerAtlas 2.0. (C) Top motifs from Meme search of hemogen binding sites from ChIP-seq data. (D) Clustered heat maps displaying HA (hemogen)-, H3K27ac-, and BRG1-normalized ChIP-seq signals at hemogen peaks. Each row represents a 2-kb window centered around the peak signal in E14.5 fetal liver cells. (E) Venn diagram of global overlap of BRG1 and hemogen. (F) Overlap of hemogen/BRG1 co-occupied peaks from (E) with enhancers and promoters. (G) Peak density map for BRG1, GATA1, and H3K27ac aligned at HA (hemogen) peaks. (H) Erythroid genes whose promoters are bound by hemogen and BRG1. (I) Erythroid Epor gene showing ChIP-seq localization of hemogen, BRG1, GATA1, H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals, and ATAC-seq signal from ENCODE on the promoter and enhancers.

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