Figure 4.
Expansion of CAR T cells in both PB and CSF. (A) The peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB after CAR T-cell infusion assessed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) categorized by severity of CRS and NEs. (B) The comparison of peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB and CSF assessed by qPCR categorized by NE grade. (C) The comparison of peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB and CSF assessed by flow cytometry categorized by NE grade. Patients were not completely overlapped as presented in panels B and C. Data represent median ± standard deviation. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Grade given on x-axis labels.

Expansion of CAR T cells in both PB and CSF. (A) The peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB after CAR T-cell infusion assessed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) categorized by severity of CRS and NEs. (B) The comparison of peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB and CSF assessed by qPCR categorized by NE grade. (C) The comparison of peak CAR T-cell expansion in PB and CSF assessed by flow cytometry categorized by NE grade. Patients were not completely overlapped as presented in panels B and C. Data represent median ± standard deviation. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Grade given on x-axis labels.

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