Figure 2.
Subgroup analysis of response rates in patients with R/R B-ALL with CNSL. The forest plots showed the subgroup analysis of the rate of ongoing responses according to demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline. The analysis of response rate across subgroups was performed using the Clopper-Pearson 95% CI and Fisher’s exact test. CRi, CR with incomplete blood count recovery; EMD, extramedullary disease; MLL, mixed-lineage leukemia; ORR, overall response rate.

Subgroup analysis of response rates in patients with R/R B-ALL with CNSL. The forest plots showed the subgroup analysis of the rate of ongoing responses according to demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline. The analysis of response rate across subgroups was performed using the Clopper-Pearson 95% CI and Fisher’s exact test. CRi, CR with incomplete blood count recovery; EMD, extramedullary disease; MLL, mixed-lineage leukemia; ORR, overall response rate.

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