Figure 2.
Progression-free and overall survival. Kaplan-Meier plots of PFS (A-D) and overall survival (OS) (E-H) for patients treated with ClbG (A,C,E,G) and VenG (B,D,F,H) according to presence of del(17p) or TP53 mutation (TP53del/mut) or TP53 wild type (TP53WT) as well as CKT, NCKT, or highly CKT (HCKT)/intermediate CKT (ICKT) status.

Progression-free and overall survival. Kaplan-Meier plots of PFS (A-D) and overall survival (OS) (E-H) for patients treated with ClbG (A,C,E,G) and VenG (B,D,F,H) according to presence of del(17p) or TP53 mutation (TP53del/mut) or TP53 wild type (TP53WT) as well as CKT, NCKT, or highly CKT (HCKT)/intermediate CKT (ICKT) status.

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