Figure 3.
Structural paths for the mediation of treatment effects on neurocognitive function. Final path models are presented for each neurocognitive domain in which any indirect effects of treatment on neurocognitive function were noted (P < .10): (A) task efficiency, (B) emotional regulation, (C) organization, and (D) memory. Models are adjusted for current age, sex, smoking, and physical activity. Model fit indices are represented by the comparative fit index (CFI) and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). Each model includes only significant paths and is labeled with a standardized β. Lines with double arrows indicate significant covariances between chronic health conditions.

Structural paths for the mediation of treatment effects on neurocognitive function. Final path models are presented for each neurocognitive domain in which any indirect effects of treatment on neurocognitive function were noted (P < .10): (A) task efficiency, (B) emotional regulation, (C) organization, and (D) memory. Models are adjusted for current age, sex, smoking, and physical activity. Model fit indices are represented by the comparative fit index (CFI) and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). Each model includes only significant paths and is labeled with a standardized β. Lines with double arrows indicate significant covariances between chronic health conditions.

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