Figure 2.
Longitudinal changes in the median Z-scores for body mass index (A), weight (B), and height of patients during therapy and in the off-therapy period (C). The box corresponds to the interval from the first quartile to the third quartile. The line dividing the box indicates the median Z-score. The whiskers represent 1.5 times the interquartile range values, and values outside these ranges are shown as green dots (•). Significant differences from baseline values are represented by asterisks (*). Asterisks and letters in red represent increases in Z-scores from the baseline values; asterisks and letters in blue represent decreases in Z-scores from the baseline values. For panel A, blue, orange, and red lines show the Z-score cutoffs for underweight (<−1.6499, [5th percentile]), overweight (≥1.0364 [85th percentile] to <1.6499 [95th percentile]), and obese (≥1.6499 [95th percentile]), respectively. Healthy weight Z-scores range from ≥−1.6499 (5th percentile) to <1.0364 (85th percentile). To obtain smooth body composition Z-scores for toddlers (aged 0-3 years), we interpolated the Z-scores for BMI and weight-for-length for children aged 2 to 3 years; for patients aged >20 years, the Z-score was calculated based on reference data for individuals aged 20 years, as described in “Patients and methods.” Con, consolidation; E, end of each chemotherapy course; Ind, induction; m, months; S, start of each chemotherapy course; y, years.

Longitudinal changes in the median Z-scores for body mass index (A), weight (B), and height of patients during therapy and in the off-therapy period (C). The box corresponds to the interval from the first quartile to the third quartile. The line dividing the box indicates the median Z-score. The whiskers represent 1.5 times the interquartile range values, and values outside these ranges are shown as green dots (•). Significant differences from baseline values are represented by asterisks (*). Asterisks and letters in red represent increases in Z-scores from the baseline values; asterisks and letters in blue represent decreases in Z-scores from the baseline values. For panel A, blue, orange, and red lines show the Z-score cutoffs for underweight (<−1.6499, [5th percentile]), overweight (≥1.0364 [85th percentile] to <1.6499 [95th percentile]), and obese (≥1.6499 [95th percentile]), respectively. Healthy weight Z-scores range from ≥−1.6499 (5th percentile) to <1.0364 (85th percentile). To obtain smooth body composition Z-scores for toddlers (aged 0-3 years), we interpolated the Z-scores for BMI and weight-for-length for children aged 2 to 3 years; for patients aged >20 years, the Z-score was calculated based on reference data for individuals aged 20 years, as described in “Patients and methods.” Con, consolidation; E, end of each chemotherapy course; Ind, induction; m, months; S, start of each chemotherapy course; y, years.

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