Figure 2.
Development and validation of grade 4 bleeding score. (A) Variables and their assigned points of the grade 4 bleeding score result in 2 subgroups of low and high risk for grade 4 bleeding. (B) Frequency of grade 4 bleeding by risk score in the development and validation cohort. The number of patients by bleeding score is shown in the table below. (C) Cumulative incidence of grade 4 bleeding by risk group of the bleeding score, with death considered a competing event. Time is measured from the first day of induction chemotherapy, whereas events occurring in the 14 days prior to the start of induction treatment are counted at day zero.

Development and validation of grade 4 bleeding score. (A) Variables and their assigned points of the grade 4 bleeding score result in 2 subgroups of low and high risk for grade 4 bleeding. (B) Frequency of grade 4 bleeding by risk score in the development and validation cohort. The number of patients by bleeding score is shown in the table below. (C) Cumulative incidence of grade 4 bleeding by risk group of the bleeding score, with death considered a competing event. Time is measured from the first day of induction chemotherapy, whereas events occurring in the 14 days prior to the start of induction treatment are counted at day zero.

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