Figure 2.
Common and specific molecular features of LP and morphea cGVHD. GSEA for “hallmark gene set” for LP (n = 8) vs healthy controls (CONT, n = 6) (A) and for morphea (n = 5) vs CONT (n = 6) (B). (C-D) Relevant canonical pathways using IPA differentiating (C) LP (n = 8) vs control (CONT) and (D) morphea (n = 5) cGVHD skin lesions VS CONT (n = 6). Pathways identified are represented on the y-axis. The x-axis corresponds to the –log of the P value. Orange, z-score value is positive (>0), pathway is predicted to be activated; blue, z-score value is negative (<0), pathway is predicted to be inhibited; gray, no activity pattern available. (E) Volcano plot with log2FC and −log10 P values for the DEGs comparing LP (n = 8) vs morphea (n = 5) chronic cGVHD skin lesions. The most statistically significant genes are toward the top and are depicted in red. Genes of interest are encircled. (F) Relevant canonical pathways using IPA differentiating LP (n = 8) vs morphea (n = 5) cGVHD skin lesions, with upregulated DEGs in the TREM1 signaling pathway. Pathways identified are represented on the y-axis. The x-axis corresponds to the –log of the P value. Orange, z-score value is positive (>0), pathway is predicted to be activated; blue, z-score value is negative (<0), pathway is predicted to be inhibited; gray, no activity pattern available.

Common and specific molecular features of LP and morphea cGVHD. GSEA for “hallmark gene set” for LP (n = 8) vs healthy controls (CONT, n = 6) (A) and for morphea (n = 5) vs CONT (n = 6) (B). (C-D) Relevant canonical pathways using IPA differentiating (C) LP (n = 8) vs control (CONT) and (D) morphea (n = 5) cGVHD skin lesions VS CONT (n = 6). Pathways identified are represented on the y-axis. The x-axis corresponds to the –log of the P value. Orange, z-score value is positive (>0), pathway is predicted to be activated; blue, z-score value is negative (<0), pathway is predicted to be inhibited; gray, no activity pattern available. (E) Volcano plot with log2FC and −log10 P values for the DEGs comparing LP (n = 8) vs morphea (n = 5) chronic cGVHD skin lesions. The most statistically significant genes are toward the top and are depicted in red. Genes of interest are encircled. (F) Relevant canonical pathways using IPA differentiating LP (n = 8) vs morphea (n = 5) cGVHD skin lesions, with upregulated DEGs in the TREM1 signaling pathway. Pathways identified are represented on the y-axis. The x-axis corresponds to the –log of the P value. Orange, z-score value is positive (>0), pathway is predicted to be activated; blue, z-score value is negative (<0), pathway is predicted to be inhibited; gray, no activity pattern available.

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