Figure 5.
HBsAg+ FLs display a distinct gene expression pattern. (A) HBsAg+ FLs showed a distinct gene expression profile. The normalized expression levels were analyzed using Qlucore Omics Explorer software. Significantly and differentially expressed genes between HBsAg+ (n = 24) and HBsAg− (n = 77) FLs were used to draw the heatmap. (B) Comparison of expression signatures in HBsAg+ and HBsAg− FLs. The expression signatures were determined using gene sets ( based on previously described methods.66 (C-E) HBsAg+ FLs expressed higher levels of genes associated with ABC-DLBCLs (C) and lower levels of genes associated with GCB-DLBCLs (D), giving rise to an ABC-like phenotype in general (E). The analysis of ABC and GCB scores was performed based on previously described methods.40 The Mann-Whitney U test was used to calculate the P value.

HBsAg+ FLs display a distinct gene expression pattern. (A) HBsAg+ FLs showed a distinct gene expression profile. The normalized expression levels were analyzed using Qlucore Omics Explorer software. Significantly and differentially expressed genes between HBsAg+ (n = 24) and HBsAg (n = 77) FLs were used to draw the heatmap. (B) Comparison of expression signatures in HBsAg+ and HBsAg FLs. The expression signatures were determined using gene sets ( based on previously described methods.66  (C-E) HBsAg+ FLs expressed higher levels of genes associated with ABC-DLBCLs (C) and lower levels of genes associated with GCB-DLBCLs (D), giving rise to an ABC-like phenotype in general (E). The analysis of ABC and GCB scores was performed based on previously described methods.40  The Mann-Whitney U test was used to calculate the P value.

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