Figure 3.
Disruption of known transcription factor binding sites or intervening sequence in the adult HBB promoter is sufficient to elevate fetal HBG expression. (A) CRISPR-Cas9 sgRNA cut sites (black arrows) and transcription factor binding sites (white boxes). (B) HBG and HBB mRNA levels in WT HUDEP-2 (n = 18) and cells cut with −21 (n = 9), −84 (n = 26), −90 (n = 7), and −98 (n = 27) guides that resulted in >1bp deletions. (C) HBG and HBB mRNA levels in WT HUDEP-2 (n = 18) and cells cut with the −21, −84, −90, and −98 guides: no known binding site (n = 15), weak KLF1 site (n = 8), strong KLF1 site (n = 5), 2 KLF1 sites (n = 8), NFY site (n = 3), NFY and strong KLF1 sites (n = 7), 2 KLF1 sites and NFY site (n = 5), TATA box (n = 9), and whole HBB promoter (n = 3). For panels B-C, values are relative to a mean WT level of 1 and 100 for HBG and HBB, respectively (mean plus or minus SEM). Significance determined by a Mann-Whitney U test (ns P > .05, *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001, ****P < .0001). (D) Hemoglobin protein levels (as determined by HPLC) for WT HUDEP-2 (n = 3) and TATA box mutation (n = 3), with peaks for HbF, HbA and HbA2 indicated. A mean trace is shown with mean percent value plus or minus SEM for each peak.

Disruption of known transcription factor binding sites or intervening sequence in the adult HBB promoter is sufficient to elevate fetal HBG expression. (A) CRISPR-Cas9 sgRNA cut sites (black arrows) and transcription factor binding sites (white boxes). (B) HBG and HBB mRNA levels in WT HUDEP-2 (n = 18) and cells cut with −21 (n = 9), −84 (n = 26), −90 (n = 7), and −98 (n = 27) guides that resulted in >1bp deletions. (C) HBG and HBB mRNA levels in WT HUDEP-2 (n = 18) and cells cut with the −21, −84, −90, and −98 guides: no known binding site (n = 15), weak KLF1 site (n = 8), strong KLF1 site (n = 5), 2 KLF1 sites (n = 8), NFY site (n = 3), NFY and strong KLF1 sites (n = 7), 2 KLF1 sites and NFY site (n = 5), TATA box (n = 9), and whole HBB promoter (n = 3). For panels B-C, values are relative to a mean WT level of 1 and 100 for HBG and HBB, respectively (mean plus or minus SEM). Significance determined by a Mann-Whitney U test (ns P > .05, *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001, ****P < .0001). (D) Hemoglobin protein levels (as determined by HPLC) for WT HUDEP-2 (n = 3) and TATA box mutation (n = 3), with peaks for HbF, HbA and HbA2 indicated. A mean trace is shown with mean percent value plus or minus SEM for each peak.

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