Putative basal oxidative stress (central stars) and effects of acute and regular physical exercise of different intensities on oxidative stress in patients with SCD with SOD2WT or homozygous to the SOD2V16A variant. The intensity of color (central stars) indicates the basal level of oxidative stress. Sizes of arrows indicate the putative size effect. Green and red colors indicate putative positive/blunting or negative/aggravating effects, respectively.

Putative basal oxidative stress (central stars) and effects of acute and regular physical exercise of different intensities on oxidative stress in patients with SCD with SOD2WT or homozygous to the SOD2V16A variant. The intensity of color (central stars) indicates the basal level of oxidative stress. Sizes of arrows indicate the putative size effect. Green and red colors indicate putative positive/blunting or negative/aggravating effects, respectively.

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