Figure 1.
HRQoL as assessed by FACT-An in adults with PKD, by specific relevant subgroupings. Median hemoglobin (A), transfusion status (B), iron overload status (C), splenectomy status (D), and genotype (E). Higher FACT-An scores indicate higher HRQoL. The R479H/R479H genotype is primarily found in the Amish community. M/M, missense/missense; M/NM, missense/nonmissense; NM/NM, nonmissense/nonmissense.

HRQoL as assessed by FACT-An in adults with PKD, by specific relevant subgroupings. Median hemoglobin (A), transfusion status (B), iron overload status (C), splenectomy status (D), and genotype (E). Higher FACT-An scores indicate higher HRQoL. The R479H/R479H genotype is primarily found in the Amish community. M/M, missense/missense; M/NM, missense/nonmissense; NM/NM, nonmissense/nonmissense.

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