Figure 1.
Clinical course and days of interventions, from day −12 to day 100 post-HCT. (A) The y-axis shows the SARS-CoV-2 Spike gene (S) cycle threshold (Ct) detected in the patient NPS. The S Ct measured by DiaSorin Molecular Simplexa COVID-19 direct assay real-time RT-PCR, for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in NPS, are reported at the day post-HCT in which the NPS was performed. Ten-day courses of remdesivir (day 0 and +21) are indicated by the horizontal gray bars. Arrows show day of single dose administration of convalescent plasma (day +2), tocilizumab (day +21), methylprednisolone, and casirivimab/imdevimab (REGN-COV2) (both on day +24). (B-C) Clinical inflammatory biomarkers. (B) Longitudinal levels (x-axis, HCT day) of C-reactive protein (CRP, blue line; y-axis, mg/L), interleukin 6 (IL-6, orange line; y-axis, pg/mL), d-dimer (purple line; y-axis, mg/L), and procalcitonin (PCT, red line; y-axis, ng/mL) inflammatory markers; and HCT day of administration for tocilizumab (red arrow) and methylprednisolone (green arrow). (C) Longitudinal levels of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH, blue line; y-axis, U/L), ferritin (orange line; y-axis, ng/mL), and triglycerides (gray line; y-axis, mg/mL) inflammatory markers; and HCT day (x-axis, HCT day) of administration for tocilizumab (red arrow) and methylprednisolone (green arrow).

Clinical course and days of interventions, from day −12 to day 100 post-HCT. (A) The y-axis shows the SARS-CoV-2 Spike gene (S) cycle threshold (Ct) detected in the patient NPS. The S Ct measured by DiaSorin Molecular Simplexa COVID-19 direct assay real-time RT-PCR, for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in NPS, are reported at the day post-HCT in which the NPS was performed. Ten-day courses of remdesivir (day 0 and +21) are indicated by the horizontal gray bars. Arrows show day of single dose administration of convalescent plasma (day +2), tocilizumab (day +21), methylprednisolone, and casirivimab/imdevimab (REGN-COV2) (both on day +24). (B-C) Clinical inflammatory biomarkers. (B) Longitudinal levels (x-axis, HCT day) of C-reactive protein (CRP, blue line; y-axis, mg/L), interleukin 6 (IL-6, orange line; y-axis, pg/mL), d-dimer (purple line; y-axis, mg/L), and procalcitonin (PCT, red line; y-axis, ng/mL) inflammatory markers; and HCT day of administration for tocilizumab (red arrow) and methylprednisolone (green arrow). (C) Longitudinal levels of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH, blue line; y-axis, U/L), ferritin (orange line; y-axis, ng/mL), and triglycerides (gray line; y-axis, mg/mL) inflammatory markers; and HCT day (x-axis, HCT day) of administration for tocilizumab (red arrow) and methylprednisolone (green arrow).

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