Figure 2.
Single-cell RNA sequencing data in WT BMs exclude the presence of Cebpa-expressing LT-HSCs. (A) Bar plot of single-cell expression of Cebpa in different progenitor populations alongside genes involved in LT-HSC quiescence (Mecom, Hlf) or myeloid differentiation (Elane, Mpo). (B) Scatterplots of single-cell gene expression showing that Mecom and Cebpa are mutually exclusive, whereas Hlf and Cebpa are occasionally coexpressed and Mecom frequently cooccurs with Hlf. (C) Scatterplots of single-cell gene expression showing coexpression of Cebpa with Cd48 (a marker not found in LT-HSCs) and the myeloid differentiation markers Elane and Mpo. All gene expression data are presented as transcripts per million (TPM). Cells are color-coded by the population they belong to. Pearson correlation coefficients and the related P values for the pairwise gene combinations are depicted in the scatter plots.

Single-cell RNA sequencing data in WT BMs exclude the presence of Cebpa-expressing LT-HSCs. (A) Bar plot of single-cell expression of Cebpa in different progenitor populations alongside genes involved in LT-HSC quiescence (Mecom, Hlf) or myeloid differentiation (Elane, Mpo). (B) Scatterplots of single-cell gene expression showing that Mecom and Cebpa are mutually exclusive, whereas Hlf and Cebpa are occasionally coexpressed and Mecom frequently cooccurs with Hlf. (C) Scatterplots of single-cell gene expression showing coexpression of Cebpa with Cd48 (a marker not found in LT-HSCs) and the myeloid differentiation markers Elane and Mpo. All gene expression data are presented as transcripts per million (TPM). Cells are color-coded by the population they belong to. Pearson correlation coefficients and the related P values for the pairwise gene combinations are depicted in the scatter plots.

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