Figure 5.
Distinct subsets of clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance segregated by unsupervised clustering and clone metrics. (A) Distribution of VAF of the subsets of CCUS, according to the unsupervised analysis: CH-like cluster (green); and MN with myelodysplasia (MDS)-like subset (orange). (B) Distribution of VAFs of the subsets of CCUS recognized within the MN-like cluster based on clone metrics: MN-like subset characterized by patterns with high clinical expressivity (blue); MN-like subset characterized by mutation patterns with low clinical expressivity (maroon); MN-like subset characterized by isolated TET2, ASXL1, or less frequently mutated genes (gray). (C) Cumulative incidence of progression to MN estimated with a competing risk approach in CCUS subsets segregated based on unsupervised analysis and clone metrics (CH-like cluster, [green curve]; MN-like subset driven by isolated TET2, ASXL1, or less frequently mutated genes [gray curve]; subset with MN-like patterns with high clinical expressivity [orange curve]; and subset with MN-like patterns with low clinical expressivity [maroon curve]). Overall, 25 patients with CCUS progressed to MN, accounting for 0%, 17%, 27%, and 55% of the CH-like cluster, MN-like subset driven by isolated TET2, ASXL1 or less frequently mutated genes, MN-like subset with high clinical expressivity, and MN-like subset with low clinical expressivity, respectively.

Distinct subsets of clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance segregated by unsupervised clustering and clone metrics. (A) Distribution of VAF of the subsets of CCUS, according to the unsupervised analysis: CH-like cluster (green); and MN with myelodysplasia (MDS)-like subset (orange). (B) Distribution of VAFs of the subsets of CCUS recognized within the MN-like cluster based on clone metrics: MN-like subset characterized by patterns with high clinical expressivity (blue); MN-like subset characterized by mutation patterns with low clinical expressivity (maroon); MN-like subset characterized by isolated TET2, ASXL1, or less frequently mutated genes (gray). (C) Cumulative incidence of progression to MN estimated with a competing risk approach in CCUS subsets segregated based on unsupervised analysis and clone metrics (CH-like cluster, [green curve]; MN-like subset driven by isolated TET2, ASXL1, or less frequently mutated genes [gray curve]; subset with MN-like patterns with high clinical expressivity [orange curve]; and subset with MN-like patterns with low clinical expressivity [maroon curve]). Overall, 25 patients with CCUS progressed to MN, accounting for 0%, 17%, 27%, and 55% of the CH-like cluster, MN-like subset driven by isolated TET2, ASXL1 or less frequently mutated genes, MN-like subset with high clinical expressivity, and MN-like subset with low clinical expressivity, respectively.

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