Figure 2.
Association between CHIP status and COPD. Forest plots showing logistic regression results for association between CHIP status and (A) GOLD 2-4 and (B) GOLD 3-4 COPD among all patients. (C) Forest plot showing logistic regression results for association between CHIP status and severity (GOLD 3-4) among patients with GOLD 2-4 COPD. The arrowhead indicates that the limit of the CI is beyond the range annotated on the OR axis at the bottom. Note that the CIs listed for all cohorts are unadjusted. RE, random effects; WGS, whole-genome sequencing.

Association between CHIP status and COPD. Forest plots showing logistic regression results for association between CHIP status and (A) GOLD 2-4 and (B) GOLD 3-4 COPD among all patients. (C) Forest plot showing logistic regression results for association between CHIP status and severity (GOLD 3-4) among patients with GOLD 2-4 COPD. The arrowhead indicates that the limit of the CI is beyond the range annotated on the OR axis at the bottom. Note that the CIs listed for all cohorts are unadjusted. RE, random effects; WGS, whole-genome sequencing.

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