Figure 1.
Distribution of clonal hematopoietic mutations in studied cohorts. Clonal hematopoietic mutations were identified from sequencing of whole genomes (COPDGene, additional TOPMed cohorts) or exomes (ICGN-EOCOPD, UK Biobank) found in samples of peripheral blood. Shown are the 10 most frequently mutated genes in COPDGene. N represents the number of CHIP carriers identified in each cohort. In patients with multiple mutations, the mutated gene with the largest variant allele frequency is shown.

Distribution of clonal hematopoietic mutations in studied cohorts. Clonal hematopoietic mutations were identified from sequencing of whole genomes (COPDGene, additional TOPMed cohorts) or exomes (ICGN-EOCOPD, UK Biobank) found in samples of peripheral blood. Shown are the 10 most frequently mutated genes in COPDGene. N represents the number of CHIP carriers identified in each cohort. In patients with multiple mutations, the mutated gene with the largest variant allele frequency is shown.

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