Figure 1.
CBL structure and KMT2A-CBL rearrangements. (A) Structure of the CBL protein and its domains: 4-helix bundle (4H), EF-hand-calcium binding (EF), SRC homology 2 (SH2), RING finger (RF), proline-rich domain (PR), and ubiquitin-associated domain (UBA). Phosphorylation sites (P) and predicted protein breakpoints for each patient are also represented. (B) Schematic representation of KMT2A and CBL genes with the breakpoint for each patient.

CBL structure and KMT2A-CBL rearrangements. (A) Structure of the CBL protein and its domains: 4-helix bundle (4H), EF-hand-calcium binding (EF), SRC homology 2 (SH2), RING finger (RF), proline-rich domain (PR), and ubiquitin-associated domain (UBA). Phosphorylation sites (P) and predicted protein breakpoints for each patient are also represented. (B) Schematic representation of KMT2A and CBL genes with the breakpoint for each patient.

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