Figure 4.
Guidelines for the management of GI bleeding in HHT.1 *Mild GI bleeding defined as meeting hemoglobin goals with oral iron. **Moderate GI bleeding defined as meeting hemoglobin goals with intravenous oral iron. ***Severe GI bleeding defined as not meeting hemoglobin goals despite adequate iron replacement or requiring blood transfusions. CRC, colorectal cancer; EGD, esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Guidelines for the management of GI bleeding in HHT. *Mild GI bleeding defined as meeting hemoglobin goals with oral iron. **Moderate GI bleeding defined as meeting hemoglobin goals with intravenous oral iron. ***Severe GI bleeding defined as not meeting hemoglobin goals despite adequate iron replacement or requiring blood transfusions. CRC, colorectal cancer; EGD, esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

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