Figure 1.
Characteristics of the main blood groups in SCD patients and their identification. This figure shows the 5 blood group systems most frequently involved in alloimmunization. The following are shown for each blood group: blue, the common antigens rarely expressed; green, the partial antigens; black, the low-frequency antigens most frequently expressed; red, the high-frequency antigens most frequently absent (rare blood groups). They can be identified by serology  and genotyping  or genotyping alone.

Characteristics of the main blood groups in SCD patients and their identification. This figure shows the 5 blood group systems most frequently involved in alloimmunization. The following are shown for each blood group: blue, the common antigens rarely expressed; green, the partial antigens; black, the low-frequency antigens most frequently expressed; red, the high-frequency antigens most frequently absent (rare blood groups). They can be identified by serology and genotyping or genotyping alone.

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