Figure 4.
Myeloma-defining genomic events detectable only using WGS.47 (A) Mutational signatures landscape across different clinical stages. PD, progressive myeloma precursor condition (ie, early detection of multiple myeloma; EMM); SD, stable myeloma precursor condition (ie, monoclonal gammopathy; MG). (B) The 96-class profile of SBS 2 and 13 (APOBEC). (C) Prevalence of complex and single SV in MM and precursor conditions. (D) Example of chromothripsis on chromosome 19. (E) Example of templated insertion involving IGL and MYC. DEL, deletion; DUP, duplication; ins, insertions; INV, inversion; SBS, single-base substitution; TRA, translocation.

Myeloma-defining genomic events detectable only using WGS.47  (A) Mutational signatures landscape across different clinical stages. PD, progressive myeloma precursor condition (ie, early detection of multiple myeloma; EMM); SD, stable myeloma precursor condition (ie, monoclonal gammopathy; MG). (B) The 96-class profile of SBS 2 and 13 (APOBEC). (C) Prevalence of complex and single SV in MM and precursor conditions. (D) Example of chromothripsis on chromosome 19. (E) Example of templated insertion involving IGL and MYC. DEL, deletion; DUP, duplication; ins, insertions; INV, inversion; SBS, single-base substitution; TRA, translocation.

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